Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Email Marketing Basics | How to Develop a Strategy for Small Business

Whether your small business is currently operating online or in-person, you need a way to stay in contact with current customers and attract new ones. Email marketing is a great tool for exactly that!

source https://www.emscorporate.com/news/email-marketing-basics-how-to-develop-a-strategy-for-small-business

Monday, 13 July 2020

Five Tips for Providing a Customer-Focused Retail Experience

Retailers are always fighting some invisible challenge. Whether it’s a shift in customer behavior, the convenience offered by online retailers like Amazon, or even a pandemic, challenges never cease. If retailers are going to thrive, they need to be able to adapt quickly and stay focused on their customers.

source https://www.emscorporate.com/news/five-tips-for-providing-a-customer-focused-retail-experience